
Tinder fungus extract and powder

If you are wondering why this mushroom shares a name with a popular dating app, it’s because the word “tinder” means something used to make a fire. Just like Tinder fungus.

Now, of course, we are not really interested in its capabilities as a fire-making substance, but as a medicinal mushroom.

From us you can buy the tinder fungus as extract and powder.

Properties and ingredients of the tinder fungus mushroom

Tinder fungus, also known as fomes fomentarius, is a fascinating mushroom with a rich history in traditional Chinese medicine. Not only is it valued for its health-promoting properties, but in the past it was also used as a natural tinder for fires. It grows mainly on dead deciduous trees such as beech, birch and oak.

What turns this inedible mushroom into a valuable medicinal mushroom, is the vast amount of important ingredients it contains. In addition to a high concentration of polysaccharides such as beta-glucans, the tinder fungus is also rich in antioxidants, which can help reduce cell damage caused by free radicals. Other interesting ingredients are betulinic acid and natural triterpenes.

Tinder fungus in research and practice

The tinder fungus has been a subject of several scientific studies due to its polysaccharides and triterpenes content. In particular, the mushroom has been studied for its ability to protect against oxidative stress, bacteria and viruses, and to combat inflammation.

Our offering of tinder fungus extract and powder

ExtractOrganic1 kgPer quote
PowderOrganic5 kgPer quote

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Please note that we can only inform you about delivery times after you have submitted the order form, as we need to know the exact country and products.

We look forward hearing from you!

P.s. If you want a quote regarding multiple mushroom species, please use the contact form.

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